Community-Based Ecological Restoration, Green Stormwater Infrastructure, and Urban Forestry
Calling all eco-volunteers of the greater Seattle area! Help us create a healthier, happier, and greener Seattle by coming out to kick off planting Season on Green Seattle Day! From creating wildlife habitat, to combating climate change, and providing a place for residents to recreate: having a hand in Green Seattle Day is one of the best ways to give back to your neighbors, parks, and your local forest. Join the fun with DIRT Corps and be one of hundreds of volunteers across the city planting native trees, shrubs, and groundcovers that will become the future forest of Seattle!
Dirt Corps crew members will provide volunteers with brief weed identification, and planting training, so previous experience is not necessary. The event is family friendly and open to all ages. All community members are welcome! Combine knowledge with action as we work to clear this beautiful space of the harmful species that overtake the area. We hope to see you there!!!
Slots still available will be listed on this page!
Before attending this event, please watch our COVID-19 Volunteer Event Safety Video –
Please arrive wearing your cloth face covering. You will be expected to keep it on through the entire event. If you forget a mask, extras will be available. We’ll have tools and gloves for you to use, as well as coffee, water, and a mid-morning snack. Help reduce waste by bringing your own refillable coffee mug/water bottle if you have one!
BRING: Come dressed for the weather (rain or shine) in clothes you don’t mind getting dirty. Wear sturdy closed-toe shoes (rubber boots, hiking shoes or boots), long sleeves, long pants, warm layers and rain jacket. You are welcome to bring your own hand sanitizer, work gloves, and specific tools (please no power equipment).
WHERE TO MEET: Meet next to the p-patch gardens.
WHERE TO PARK: South parking lot off of SW Henderson St, next to the dog park.
Traducción Española
Acompaña a DIRT Corps a revitalizar el Parque Westcrest. Estamos trabajando en la tierra de la parcela de la 8a avenida del Parque Westcrest en donde la zarzamora está demasiado crecida! Está en nuestras manos como DIRT Corps y en la de los voluntarios el mantener el control del crecimiento de la zarzamora en este espacio!
El inicio de este evento voluntario incluirá una breve introducción de plantas invasoras. Combina el conocimiento con la acción mientras trabajamos para limpiar este hermoso espacio de las plantas invasoras que lo dañan y lo van desplazando de él. Muchos de ustedes han experimentado esto en sus patios traseros en casa!
Trabajemos juntos para transformar y mantener gradualmente el Parque Westcrest y hacer de él un espacio agradable al público para que todos puedan disfrutarlo. Déjanos saber si tienes alguna pregunta, esperamos verte ahí!
QUE TRAER: Agua y almuerzo(si crees que te va a dar hambre pronto).
PUNTO DE ENCUENTRO: Al lado del P-Patch (jardín comunitario).
Estacionamiento disponible al sur de SW Henderson St, junto al parque de perros.